Sunday, May 22, 2011

...test ride!

Today me and Janus went for a test ride, first we visited "Mopar"(Leo). He decided to go with us for a small ride, while riding we stopped by the old club house of "Laveloos MC", the club does no longer exist, but the club house is still there!!! It used to be a war bunker!!!

Later we went to Royal Jack's place!


  1. mc laveloos, daar kwam ik vroeger weleens, bbq`n en zuipe...

  2. Hi
    My name is Dean, I stayed MCLaveloo clubhouse in April 1990 for the Spring party, invited by my old mate Dave Ahmed (RIP 2004), Good times and great party, i remember a couple of club members Bear and Jan, such a shame the club no longer exits, happy times!
